Category Archives: Meetings

CFUW Brantford General Meeting February 28th, 2018

Thorpe Carriage House
Meeting starts at 7:30 p.m.
Topic: Canadian Nurses in Africa
Speaker: Gail Wolters

Our speaker for the February General meeting will be Gail Wolters. Gail is the Founder and President of Canadian Nurses for Africa. Each spring a group of nurses and a few doctors head to Africa where they set up clinics in various locations. People come from miles around to have their health issues addressed.

Many thanks to Lynn Leach, Horticultural Therapist, at the Stedman Community Hospice

For her presentation at the January 24th CFUW Brantford General Meeting. Lynn shared her knowledge and passion for gardening as she spoke about how the gardens at the Hospice have been developed and matured over the past five years. The before and after pictures of the gardens told the story and as she pointed out the therapeutic benefits of therapeutic horticulture, all present felt they had received the benefits as well. Special thanks were given to Lynn for all she has done and is doing to improve quality of life for the residents, families and staff!

CFUW Brantford General Meeting January 24, 2018

CFUW General Meeting

January 24, 2018

Thorpe Carriage House

Meeting Starts at 7:30 p.m.

Topic: Bringing Horticultural Therapy to Stedman Community Hospice

Speaker: Lynn Leach

Lynn Leach is the Horticultural Therapist at the Stedman Community Hospice and just like many of us, Lynn has a passion for the garden.  She also loves working with people and has found that horticultural therapy is a perfect union of those two passions. The presentation will include before and after pictures of building the therapy garden, as well as information about the horticultural programs that are offered to residents.

November General Meeting: November 22, 2017

Topic: Be a BIG fish in a small pond: Brian Thompson, photographer


Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Meeting Starts at 7:30 p.m.

Brian will be sharing with members some of the highlights of his 31 years as a staff photographer at The Expositor and will touch on his personal ethics as they pertain to news photography.  Working at a smaller paper has provided him with some amazing opportunities that may not have come his way had he been working at one of the bigger urban dailies in Toronto or elsewhere.  Since 2006, he has garnered 11 Ontario Newspaper Awards, an achievement which is very personally rewarding to him.  Brian will also share some of his personal photography outside of work for The Expositor, and his involvement with the Brant Camera Club, of which he is the president.


Jodi-Lynn Waddilove speaks at Oct 25th meeting

October General Meeting

October 25, 2017

Doors open at 7:00 p.m.

Topic: Indigenous Education

Speaker: Jodi-Lynn Waddilove

Jodie-Lynn Waddilove will present a First Nations Woman’s Perspective on Indigenous Issues. Jodie-Lynn has served as legal councel for the Ministry of the Attorney General (On) for ten years. She is presently serving as Senior Legal Counsel on the Independent Street Checks Review with Justice Tulloch.