Category Archives: Events

Program 2016-2017

Sept. 28    “Change a Life, Enrich Yours” – Carolyn Hudson, Founder/CEO, Mighty Oaks Global Initiatives.  Welcome Back Meeting will start at 6:30 p.m.   Join us for appetizers and socializing!

Oct.  26     “Brantford Airport – A Vital Part of Regional Transportation Infrastructure” – Heather McNally, General Manager, Brantford Municipal Airport and Brantford Flying Club

Nov. 23     Motivational Speaker/Litigation Lawyer – Jodie-Lynn Waddilove, Aboriginal Division of the Attorney General’s Office

Jan. 25      “Brantford Community Healthcare System Foundation and Women’s Health Issues” – Representative from BCHS Foundation and Guest Physician

Feb. 22      “Issues and Action: CFUW Resolutions Discussion” – CFUW Executive/Advocacy Committee

Mar. 22      “Rape Culture 101” – Terra Manuliak, Sexual Assault Centre Brant

Apr. 26      “What Can We do to Help the Bees?” – Paul Hoekstra, PHD

May 24      CFUW Banquet/AGM – Brantford Golf & Country Club – Well-known local author and retired infectious diseases specialist, Dr. Ross Pennie, will unveil his  newest  book.


Potluck at Blue Lake

CFUW members gathered at the home of Pat Clemons on beautiful Blue Lake for our annual Potluck Picnic. Those who wanted took a dip while the others enjoyed the scenery and the conversation. Dinner, as always, was a real treat! Thanks are extended to Pat for welcoming us to her lovely home.


Annual Meeting May 2015

April 2015 meeting

Leslie Telfer GM March
Leslie Telfer, Superintendent of Education, Brant, Haldimand, Norfolk Catholic District School Board, spoke on Literacy Trends in Brant. She was clear that children need the Four C’s of Education; critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity. Simple knowledge is easily available through technology. Children must be able to understand, evaluate, and apply knowledge to succeed.
Leslie with guests: Jeanne from Kids Can Fly and Ruth from Strong Start.
Leslie with guests: Jeanne from Kids Can Fly and Ruth from Strong Start.


Carol presenting a moving tribute to Alto Hall, longtime member of CFUW who passed away peacefully in February in her 103rd year.
Carol presenting a moving tribute to Alto Hall, longtime member of CFUW who passed away peacefully in February in her 103rd year.


Members, Pat and Lin, sharing conversation and treats.
Members, Pat and Lin, sharing conversation and treats.
Joan from the Hospitality team making sure we have enough tea. Good job!
Joan from the Hospitality team making sure we have enough tea. Good job!


Carole, Program Committee member and Olga Consorti, CEO of St. Joseph’s Lifecare Foundation, who was the speaker at the April General Meeting.


Kelly Gyokey helped with Audio-visual equipment.
Kelly Gyokey helped with Audio-visual equipment.
Marg, a long-time volunteer at the Stedman Hospice, with Olga.
Marg, a long-time volunteer at the Stedman Hospice, with Olga.