Walking group: plywood patch bridge holds surprises!

photo by Leslie L of Janet K finding her own creative design on the iron bridge

Longtime club member Janet K was very interested to recognize a logo that she had designed being included in one of the paintings on the plywood patch bridge. She had designed the logo for Ecole Dufferin  when a new logo was needed to  celebrate the school’s 100th anniversary. Janet designed it at the request of her daughter who was on the PTA at the time, and they are still using it. At the time of the anniversary it was printed on t-shirts and other paraphernalia… Janet had forgotten all about it, so fun to see it today on the bridge.

Janet says, “This also raised memories of the one I also did one for BCI’s 100th birthday, and just going on the School Board’s website, I see that they are still using it…nice surprise.  My own  kids and my two oldest grandsons are and will be BCI alumni. Plus I taught there for a long time. BCI used the logo at the time of the anniversary on a wide variety of stuff to sell from notebooks to drinking glasses.”

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